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Design and engineering studio.

Somewhat liked by fintech, blockchain and venture firms.

Here's what's been keeping us busy, recently.

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People come to us with inspirations, ideas, and references. Often, they get something unlike anything they imagined before. Sometimes, we become their creative muscle for years to come.

We believe great stuff gets made when works feels like play.

So we work with companies we wish we founded ourselves.

We know, another grid of logotypes you’ve seen a million times already. After all, it's about people we work with, not trademarks.

Eric Bahn

Eric Bahn @ Hustle Fund

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy @ Kickstart Fund

Barend Van den Brande

Barend @ Hummingbird Ventures

Matt Brown @ Matrix Partners

Matt Brown

Looking for testimonials? Let's flip the script. If anyone above looks familiar, feel free to reach for a first-hand opinion. Alternatively, you can read some long-format reviews on Clutch.

Okay, you’ve seen the people we work with. Now, meet the people who do the work.

Team photo altalogy 4
Team photo altalogy 3
Team photo altalogy 2
Team photo altalogy 1
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Altalogy team photo 1
Alta team 7
Altalogy team photo 3


May 1, 2023

Hummingbird Ventures' new brand and website is live, check it out!

March 10, 2023

Woohoo! It's our 8th birthday today! Looking back, it's been an epic ride. Big shoutout to the awesome partners, cool projects, and the amazing squad that have made us who we are. Here's to more amazing adventures together!









Venture Capital




Book a meeting with our CEO.
He'd love to hear from you!

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